

Frequent questions

As an independent distributor, we are not bound by contracts with a single manufacturer. Therefore, we have the freedom to source components globally. Our sources include direct manufacturers, official worldwide distribution channels, OEM excess inventory available for purchase, and open market overstocks.

PCE only provides new and original parts. Our technicians have passed the IDEA-ICE-3000 Professional Inspector Certification Exam and are trained to recognize used, substandard, and counterfeit parts so that they never reach your door.

The warranty may vary based on provenance, it depends on where we buy from. Most of the time it is 12 months but not always; so we prefer to say that warranty is 30 days and can usually be extended upon request. In both cases, PCE recommends that parts be tested before use as we are unable to accept returns for used components.

Traceability varies based on provenance. If parts are supplied directly by the manufacturer or through official channels, PCE can provide traceability. However, when parts are sourced globally, suppliers often hesitate to provide this documentation due to geo-related restrictions. In these instances, in order to bypass (circumvent) this issue, PCE collaborates with third-party test houses to ensure peace of mind for our clients.

PCE has implemented the IDEA STD-1010-B standard, recognized globally as the most important standard for incoming inspections in the electronics industry. Click here to see the PCE checklist for all incoming parts.

No, PCE currently does not maintain a standard price list. The stock we purchase and store in-house is tailored to meet the specific requirements of our clients’ orders.

Semiconductors and Integrated Circuits, specifically FPGA, RAM, DRAM, SRAM, MCU, CPU. As well as Transistors, Resistors, Inductors, Diodes, Capacitors, Transformers, Connectors.

Xilinx, Texas Instruments, ST Micro, Analog Device, Microchip, Micron, Semtech, Espressif, Quectel, and many others including electromechanics!

No, we don’t have an MOV.

Yes, we do for components currently in production. Scheduling is not provided for obsolete components.

Delivery times vary depending on the lead time and location of parts. If parts are in stock overseas the standard lead time is 7-10 days. If parts are in stock in Europe, 3-4 days. Parts with a lead time are quoted accordingly allowing time for importation and in-house testing. All parts are delivered to our location in Rome, Italy, and must pass our rigorous quality control inspection.

Our delivery times vary based on factors such as component availability, shipping method, and location. Rest assured that we prioritize efficient delivery to meet your production timelines.

Ordering with PCE is straightforward. Ordering with PCE is straightforward. Simply send your PO by email on company letterhead with all of your requirements and we'll process it!

PCE accepts various payment methods, including bank transfers, credit cards, and PayPal. We aim to make the payment process as convenient as possible for our clients.

Absolutely! If you need a quote for specific components, please provide us with the part numbers, quantities, and other relevant details. Our team will promptly prepare a customized quote for your consideration.

Yes, we provide technical support to our clients. Our experts are here to assist you with questions about component specifications, compatibility, and alternatives.

Absolutely! Once your order is dispatched, we’ll provide you with tracking information. You can monitor the shipment’s progress and receive real-time updates.